Tuesday 15 October 2013

Let me introduce myself...

I may as well start by telling you a little about myself and why I started this blog!

First of all, about me! I am mother to a 14 month old boy and have another little bub on the way.My partner and I live in Adelaide and I rarely cooked.

This all changed when I had my son. I always wanted to give him fresh food every day and by making my own I found it to be much, much cheaper than store bought, plus I have lots left over to freeze and use   for later on.

When my son got older I found he was losing interest in the purees and wanted more solid foods. This was fine until I just ran out of ideas on what to make! I then discoevered a little thing called Bento!

This is where my obsession with cooking for kids began! There are a million and one bento products around and I own at least half (may be a light exaggeration...)

Even though my son isn't old enough to get the concept of the 'fun food' I still love making it and it gives me practice for future meals.

When making his meals I always try to add some veg and dairy. He loves cheese so this is easy, and he tends to eat about 99% of what I give him, the only exception so far is olives and I don't blame him.

Now, not all meals HAVE to be fancy shapes and little figures, they can just be a lovely arrangement of foods, or even just a standard everyday meal. Kids are very visual creatures and lots of colurs and shapes are always fascinating.

The reason for my blog is to show others what you can do with foods without having to buy crazy ingredients or spend hours in the kitchen.

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